Highly cinematic documentary charting a macabre mystery that unfolds as the lives of a handful of starkly different, seemingly unconnected characters are intimately drawn together by a shocking crime involving over a thousand mutilated corpses in a tale of twenty-first century body snatching in the city of New York. Much was written about this notorious crime but little understood about the hidden, yet legal, tissue transplant industry that spawned it...until now. With exclusive access inside maximum-security prison to the man the NYPD labeled "Public Enemy No.1" this film charts how a former surgeon went from saving lives to ripping them apart.
Bodysnatchers of New York (2010)
Genre: Documentary
Cast: William Sherman, Michael Mastromarino, Lee Cruceta, Anthony Dumaine, Dayna Ryan
Crew: Toby Dye, Julian Eguiguren, Nick Faber, Gary Johnston, Denise Castelli
Release: 2010-10-26
Residential Advisor: Tyree Runolfsdottir
Mathematical Scientist: Alex Schowalter
Locomotive Firer: Miss Tina Rutherford
Revenue: $97,758,757
Makeup Artists: Juanita Zieme
Agricultural Sciences Teacher: Tanya Mayer
Recreational Vehicle Service Technician: Trent Ryan
Budget: $6,591,812
Urban Planner: Danika Willms
Human Resources Manager: Mr. Demario Feil
Protective Service Worker: Dr. Kasandra Monahan III
Plasterer OR Stucco Mason: Al Mraz
Extraction Worker: Edwardo Kutch
Mechanical Drafter: Casimir Purdy
Respiratory Therapist: Kaycee Welch
Sales Manager: Frankie Bogisich
Physical Therapist Aide: Wilburn Kunde
Cast: William Sherman, Michael Mastromarino, Lee Cruceta, Anthony Dumaine, Dayna Ryan
Crew: Toby Dye, Julian Eguiguren, Nick Faber, Gary Johnston, Denise Castelli
Release: 2010-10-26
Residential Advisor: Tyree Runolfsdottir
Mathematical Scientist: Alex Schowalter
Locomotive Firer: Miss Tina Rutherford
Revenue: $97,758,757
Makeup Artists: Juanita Zieme
Agricultural Sciences Teacher: Tanya Mayer
Recreational Vehicle Service Technician: Trent Ryan
Budget: $6,591,812
Urban Planner: Danika Willms
Human Resources Manager: Mr. Demario Feil
Protective Service Worker: Dr. Kasandra Monahan III
Plasterer OR Stucco Mason: Al Mraz
Extraction Worker: Edwardo Kutch
Mechanical Drafter: Casimir Purdy
Respiratory Therapist: Kaycee Welch
Sales Manager: Frankie Bogisich
Physical Therapist Aide: Wilburn Kunde
Jun 8, 2012 ... Grierson Award winning documentary film directed by Toby Dye. Original music by Nick Faber. Leave the first comment: Add a new comment..
Paul Harris on illegal body snatchers.
Aug 15, 2010 ... “Toby Dye's terrific film” (Time Out London) is a highly cinematic documentary charting a macabre mystery that unfolds as the lives of a handful of ....
Bodysnatchers of New York.
Body snatching - Wikipedia.
Bodysnatchers of New York.
Seven Enter Guilty Pleas in Corpse Case.
Helping to bolster and expand an investigation of a human tissue harvesting operation, seven funeral home directors have pleaded guilty to criminal charges, agreeing to cooperate, and 14 more bodies have been found surgically plundered, Brooklyn prosecutors said yesterday..
Bodysnatchers of New York (2010) - How more than 1,000 corpses were stolen, carved up and sold in a scheme that netted those responsible millions of dollars ....
Bodysnatchers Of New York trailer.
Jun 2, 2014 ... This is "Bodysnatchers of New York" by Edmond Buckley on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them..
r/Documentaries - Bodysnatchers of New York (2010) - How more than 1,000 corpses were stolen, carved up and sold in a scheme that netted those responsible millions of dollars in the early 2000s..
Biomedical Tissue Services - Wikipedia.
The case of the “New York Body Snatchers” reads more like a pulp horror novel, with a hungry press reporting on over 1000 corpses that had been allegedly stolen, carved up and sold in a million-dollar scheme..
Body Snatchers of Old New York.
They replaced stolen bones with pipes; organs with rags - 1,077 corpses carved up by illegal body snatchers who sold their 'harvest' on the donor market. Paul Harris on the case ripping the heart out of America..
Audio brought to you by Curio, a Lapham’s Quarterly partner[drop_cap]T[/drop_cap]here was a lot to be afraid of in New York after the Revolutionary War. Burned buildings loomed ou.
Despite these efforts, body snatchers persisted. At City Hospital in New York, on April 13, 1788, a group of boys playing near the dissection room window peered ....
Director Toby Dye made the documentary Body Snatchers of New York about this case in 2010. On September 4, 2008, defense attorneys for human graft tissue ...
Jun 8, 2012 ... Grierson Award winning documentary film directed by Toby Dye. Original music by Nick Faber. Leave the first comment: Add a new comment..
Paul Harris on illegal body snatchers.
Aug 15, 2010 ... “Toby Dye's terrific film” (Time Out London) is a highly cinematic documentary charting a macabre mystery that unfolds as the lives of a handful of ....
Bodysnatchers of New York.
Body snatching - Wikipedia.
Bodysnatchers of New York.
Seven Enter Guilty Pleas in Corpse Case.
Helping to bolster and expand an investigation of a human tissue harvesting operation, seven funeral home directors have pleaded guilty to criminal charges, agreeing to cooperate, and 14 more bodies have been found surgically plundered, Brooklyn prosecutors said yesterday..
Bodysnatchers of New York (2010) - How more than 1,000 corpses were stolen, carved up and sold in a scheme that netted those responsible millions of dollars ....
Bodysnatchers Of New York trailer.
Jun 2, 2014 ... This is "Bodysnatchers of New York" by Edmond Buckley on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them..
r/Documentaries - Bodysnatchers of New York (2010) - How more than 1,000 corpses were stolen, carved up and sold in a scheme that netted those responsible millions of dollars in the early 2000s..
Biomedical Tissue Services - Wikipedia.
The case of the “New York Body Snatchers” reads more like a pulp horror novel, with a hungry press reporting on over 1000 corpses that had been allegedly stolen, carved up and sold in a million-dollar scheme..
Body Snatchers of Old New York.
They replaced stolen bones with pipes; organs with rags - 1,077 corpses carved up by illegal body snatchers who sold their 'harvest' on the donor market. Paul Harris on the case ripping the heart out of America..
Audio brought to you by Curio, a Lapham’s Quarterly partner[drop_cap]T[/drop_cap]here was a lot to be afraid of in New York after the Revolutionary War. Burned buildings loomed ou.
Despite these efforts, body snatchers persisted. At City Hospital in New York, on April 13, 1788, a group of boys playing near the dissection room window peered ....
Director Toby Dye made the documentary Body Snatchers of New York about this case in 2010. On September 4, 2008, defense attorneys for human graft tissue ...
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